1-RELAY PROCESS 4-20 mA LOOP INDICATOR / MONITOR / WINDOW COMPARATOR OVER / UNDER PROTECTION with 24V power supply ( to power external loop)
The input signal is converted and displayed as real-world values with up to 3 decimal places.
Maximum & Minimum values are logged for 24 hours (updated every 60 min).
By default the re-transmittion parameters are set so that the output follows the input.
By setting the Span to a negative value, the device can be used as an inverter, generating a decreasing output signal as the input increases.
Other features include user programmable signal damping & all settings may be locked & code protected to avoid changes from being made by unauthorised personnel
The signal is displayed as ‘real world’ values.(eg 0-100°C ,not 4 -20mA).
By setting the span to a negative value, the display will indicate lower values as the input rises.
The relay remains energised while the input signal is between the upper and lower set points.
Once de-energised, the signal must change in the opposite direction by the hysteresis amount before the relay will reenergise.
Note: the relay will NOT re-energise while the latch pins are shorted. The latch pins can also be used as a reset.
DISPLAY OFFSET: -999 to 9999
DISPLAY SPAN: -1999 to 9999
DISPLAY RESOLUTION: 0.01 to 1.000 (adjustable)
INPUT OFFSET: 0 to 20.6mA
INPUT SPAN: 0 to 20.6mA
24V DC supply current limit (-P devices only): 23mA
Display offset: -999 to 9999
Display span: -1999 to 9999
Display resolution: 0.01 to 1.000 (adjustable)
Input offset: 0 to 20.3V
Input span: 0 to 20.3V (offset + span maximum = 20.3V)
Measurement resolution: 20 uA
Accuracy ±0.3% @ 25°C (% of full scale)
Input voltage: ±15% of rated input